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How Long Do Non-Surgical Procedure Results Really Last?4 min read

How Long Do Non-Surgical Procedure Results Last?
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In our quest for beauty, rejuvenation, and self-improvement, non-surgical cosmetic procedures have emerged as the golden middle road, offering a less invasive alternative to traditional surgery. 

From injectables to laser treatments, all promise quick results with minimal downtime. But how long do these rejuvenation effects truly last? 

Understanding the durability of non-surgical procedure outcomes will help you set realistic expectations and plan future maintenance and care!

How Long Do Aesthetic Injectables Last?

Aesthetic injectables have become the go-to solution for anyone seeking anti-aging and facial rejuvenation treatments without the traditional surgery downtime. 

The result duration of these injectables largely depends on the product type, treatment area, and individual patient factors (for example, lifestyle and metabolism).


BOTOX, one of the most popular neurotoxin injectables, is primarily used to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and lines. 

BOTOX results typically last between 3-4 months. Over time, regular treatments may lead to longer-lasting effects as the muscles become conditioned to relaxation.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers, used for volume enhancement and smoothing wrinkles, offer more longevity than BOTOX. 

Depending on the dermal filler type, treatment area, and the patient’s treatment response, filler results last 6 months to over a year. Some hyaluronic acid fillers last up to 2 years in areas with less movement, like the cheeks.


Clinical studies suggest that DAXXIFY lasts approximately 6 months, sometimes longer, making it an attractive option if you’re looking for a more enduring alternative to BOTOX.

How Long-Lasting are Laser and Light Therapies?

Laser and light therapies are highly sought-after for tackling various skin concerns, from hyperpigmentation and scarring to texture and tone improvements. 

Result longevity varies depending on the specific treatment and individual skin conditions.

For instance, results from ablative lasers, which remove the top layer of skin, are long-lasting, with some patients seeing improvements for years after treatment.

Non-ablative lasers, which are less invasive and have a quicker recovery time, offer substantial improvements but may require multiple sessions and occasional maintenance treatments to sustain results.

Broadband Light therapy results can last for a considerable time, especially when patients follow post-treatment care instructions and protect their skin from sun exposure. Maintenance sessions are necessary to uphold the results, especially when treating chronic conditions like rosacea.

Is CoolSculpting Permanent?

CoolSculpting stands out in non-surgical body contouring for its ability to permanently eliminate fat cells. 

This treatment uses cryolipolysis to freeze and destroy fat cells, which are then naturally processed and expelled by the body. Once these fat cells are gone, they do not regenerate, making the results of CoolSculpting effectively permanent.

While the treated fat cells are permanently removed, CoolSculpting is not a guard against future weight gain. The remaining fat cells may still expand through weight gain. 

Maintaining a stable weight and healthy lifestyle is crucial for preserving CoolSculpting results. Patients typically notice results 2 to 6 months after treatment. As long as they keep their weight, the contour changes are long-lasting.

The Value of Setting Realistic Expectations

The key to non-surgical treatment satisfaction is setting realistic expectations and understanding that maintenance treatments are necessary to preserve results.

It’s also paramount to remember that various factors, including lifestyle choices, sun exposure, and individual health and body characteristics, may influence result longevity. Follow our guidelines for post-procedure care and maintain a stable, healthy lifestyle to ensure the best results.

Finally, consult a qualified professional like Dr. Chang, who will guide you through the options and create a treatment plan bespoke to your goals. 

With the right approach, you will enjoy the benefits of non-surgical procedures and the fresh, youthful appearance they offer for as long as possible!

Start Your Non-Surgical Journey Today!

Meet us at 19500 Sandridge Way, Suite 350, Leesburg, VA 20176, or call us at (703) 574-4342 for a complimentary consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Phillip Chang before moving forward with your procedure. If everything matches up, our team will help you navigate the entire process from beginning to end. Also, remember to check out our blog and social media for more information on cosmetic surgery trends!

Let Us Help You!

Our office can provide you with helpful information, schedule a free consultation, and walk you through the many services and procedures we provide.

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