
Wellness Screening

MM slash DD slash YYYY
1. Decline in general well being
2. Joint pain/muscle ache
3. Excessive sweating/ hot flashes
4. Sleep problems
5. Irritability
6. Nervousness
7. Anxiety
8. Depressed mood
9. Exhaustion/lacking vitality
10. Declining mental ability/focus/concentration
11. Decreased muscle strength
12. Weight gain/ increased belly fat / inability to lose weight
13. Breast tenderness
14. Rapid hair loss
15. Migraine headaches
16. Decreased sexual libido/desire
17. Decreased ability to perform sexually/climax
18. Dry skin
19. Cold all the time
20. Constipation
21. White spots on nails
22. Bruise easily
23. Loud noises bother you
24. Frequent heartburn
25. Wake up tired


0-40: Fairly healthy; 40-60: Some hormonal imbalance is likely; 60 or more: Deficiency is probable.

Top 5 Main Concerns

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Are you on birth control?
Do you still have ovaries?
Are you using hormone therapy now?
History of breast cancer?
Fibrocystic breast disease?
Uterine ablation?
Metabolic disease?
Testicular cancer?
Colon cancer?
Active Liver disease?
Renal disease?
Prostate cancer?

I hereby consent to Dr Chang or his office staff to draw my blood for testing. I understand that blood draw may lead to bruising, swelling, discomfort, bleeding at the site of blood draw. Results from my lab work will be reviewed over the phone or may be left on voicemail.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

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Holiday Hours Announcement

We wish you a joyful holiday season! Please note our adjusted hours during this time:

Dec. 23rd 9am – 3.30pm
Dec. 24th CLOSED
Dec. 25th CLOSED
Dec. 26th CLOSED
Dec. 27th 9am – 3pm

Dec. 30th 9am – 5pm
Dec. 31st CLOSED
Jan. 1st CLOSED
Jan. 2nd 9am – 5pm
Jan. 3rd 9am – 5pm

Important Announcement

Please note that Aesthetica Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center will be closed on Monday, September 2, in observance of Labor Day.

We hope you enjoy the holiday, and we’ll be back to serve you with our regular hours on Tuesday, September 3. Have a safe and relaxing Labor Day!