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What Happens if I Hate My Plastic Surgery Results?6 min read

What Happens if I Hate My Plastic Surgery Results?
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No one embarks on a plastic surgery journey without high hopes and dreams of a glamorous, red-carpet look. 

But what happens when the mirror reflects a reality far from what you had envisioned?

We encounter many patients who, just like you, have faced unexpected outcomes. Some are subtle misalignments with their expectations; others are more pronounced.

Fortunately, feeling disheartened over unsatisfactory plastic surgery results is not the end of your self-improvement journey—it’s merely a detour.

Let’s chat about the steps you can take if you’re unhappy with your plastic surgery results!

How Often Do People Regret Plastic Surgery?

While most patients feel satisfied with their aesthetic outcomes, regret after plastic surgery, though relatively rare, does occur. 

The reasons vary widely—from mismatched expectations and unforeseen complications to changes in personal aesthetics. 

For instance, a patient may choose a trendy look that doesn’t suit their natural features, only to feel disconnected from their new appearance later.

Is it Normal to Regret Cosmetic Surgery?

Feeling regret after cosmetic surgery is a natural emotion arising from various personal and psychological factors.

Sometimes, the discomfort stems not from the surgery’s outcome but from the adaptation period to this new self-image. 

A case in point is breast augmentation.

A woman who feels her implants are too small or too large may experience initial regret. 

At Aesthetica, Dr. Chang addresses these concerns by discussing revision options or offering reassurance and support as the patient adjusts to their new body.

Is Depression Common After Plastic Surgery?

Depression after plastic surgery, though uncommon, is a concern that should be acknowledged and addressed with care.

Factors such as the body’s natural response to trauma, the effects of anesthesia, and the emotional highs and lows of the healing process contribute to these feelings. 

For example, liposuction patients may experience mood swings as they grapple with temporary swelling and bruising, contrasting their expectations of immediate results. 

At Aesthetica, we provide comprehensive postoperative care, including monitoring patients’ mental health. We offer strategies to manage emotional recovery, such as setting realistic expectations, ensuring robust support systems, and, if needed, referrals to mental health professionals.

What Plastic Surgery Procedure Has the Lowest Satisfaction Rate?

While most plastic surgeries have high satisfaction rates, procedures like body contouring or complex surgeries like revision rhinoplasty occasionally see lower satisfaction rates, primarily due to mismatched expectations or the challenging nature of the procedure. 

For instance, secondary rhinoplasty is more complex due to changes made during the first surgery, and the outcomes might only sometimes meet the patient’s original vision. 

Here at Aesthetica, we emphasize the importance of realistic expectations and thorough consultations. We address concerns by carefully assessing patients’ needs and possibilities, ensuring they are fully informed about their achievable goals. 

We’re also skilled in using complementary procedures—for example, non-surgical methods like fillers to correct minor imperfections post-rhinoplasty—to enhance overall satisfaction and align outcomes more closely with patient expectations.

What is the Regret Rate for Plastic Surgery?

The regret rate for plastic surgery is relatively low, but it does exist. 

Studies and surveys typically indicate that most patients are happy with their outcomes, yet a small percentage may experience regret. 

This regret is often tied not to the quality of the surgery but to factors such as unmet expectations, changes in personal preferences, or the psychological impact of a significant physical change. 

Dr. Chang focuses on detailed pre-surgical consultations to minimize this risk. He discusses not only the potential physical results but also the emotional and psychological aspects of undergoing a cosmetic change. 

For instance, a patient undergoing a dramatic transformation, like a facelift, might feel overwhelmed by the sudden change in appearance. 

We prepare our patients for this journey, offering follow-up support and, if necessary, additional treatments to fine-tune the results, ensuring their final look brings them joy and confidence.

How Do I Know If I Like My Plastic Surgery Results?


First, immediate postoperative results are not the end of the story. 

Swelling, bruising, and scarring are typical facets of the recovery process, while final results take months to materialize. During this period, maintain open communication with your surgeon, ensure you’re following the postoperative care instructions, and practice patience as your body heals.

The emotional rollercoaster that accompanies seemingly unsatisfactory results is often underestimated. 

Feelings of regret, anger, sadness, or even betrayal may surface. 

It’s vital to establish a support system—friends, family, or mental health professionals—to cope with these feelings.

If, after you’ve fully healed, you’re still unhappy with your results, it’s time to take the following steps:

  1. Schedule a follow-up appointment with your surgeon to discuss your concerns openly and honestly. A reputable surgeon will acknowledge your feelings and devise a plan of action—including revision surgery if necessary.
  2. If revision surgery is on the table, ensure you know the potential outcomes, costs, risks, and recovery time.
  3. Sometimes, the issue isn’t just skin-deep. Disappointment can stem from or exacerbate pre-existing body image issues. If this resonates with you, engage with a therapist specializing in body image.

Embrace a Happier, More Confident You!

Meet us at 19500 Sandridge Way, Suite 350, Leesburg, VA 20176, or call us at (703) 574-4342 for a complimentary consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Phillip Chang before moving forward with your procedure. If everything matches up, our team will help you navigate the entire process from beginning to end. Also, remember to check out our blog and social media for more information on cosmetic surgery trends!

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Our office can provide you with helpful information, schedule a free consultation, and walk you through the many services and procedures we provide.

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