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What Can Umbilicoplasty Do for Your “Outie” Belly Button?4 min read

What Can Umbilicoplasty Do for Your
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Many of us sport the telltale “innie” or “outie” navel, a small yet noticeable testament to our birth. However, for those who have an “outie” and feel self-conscious about its appearance, there’s a surgical solution: umbilicoplasty. This procedure, often overlooked in the world of cosmetic surgeries, specifically targets the navel, altering its shape or size to the patient’s preference.

More than just a vanity project, umbilicoplasty can be a source of regained confidence for those who’ve been uncomfortable baring their midriffs. But what is this procedure all about, and is it the right choice for your outie belly button? Dive in with us as we unravel the process, benefits, and considerations behind this intriguing cosmetic procedure!

What is an "Outie" Belly Button?

An “outie” belly button, straddling the line between personal quirk and common curiosity, is simply a navel that protrudes outward rather than indenting in. Born from the way an infant’s umbilical cord stump heals and falls off, this unique little bump isn’t tied to any medical conditions or concerns.

The “outie” belly button boils down to the umbilical cord. When a baby is born, the umbilical cord gets snipped, leaving a little stump. As this stump dries and falls off, the way it heals determines the eventual appearance of the navel.

Sometimes, an extra bit of scar tissue, known as an umbilical granuloma, forms and gives rise to that outward poke. In other cases, an umbilical hernia, where a small section of the intestine pushes through the abdominal wall, can be the culprit. It’s mostly nature’s game of chance — a unique roll of the belly button dice!

While some people rock their “outie” with pride, others feel a tad self-conscious about its prominence. Whichever camp you fall into, it’s good to remember that belly buttons, like fingerprints, are a mark of our individuality – and whether “innie” or “outie,” they’re all part of the human tapestry!

How Can Umbilicoplasty Change and "Outie" Belly Button?

Umbilicoplasty is like the fairy godmother for those seeking navel changes, especially if they’ve been hoping to turn their “outie” into an “innie.” But how does this magic work?

In the hands of a skilled surgeon, umbilicoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that refashions the look of the belly button. For those sporting an “outie,” it often involves removing that extra bit of protruding tissue and reshaping the surrounding area for a more indented appearance. If an umbilical hernia is causing the “outie,” the procedure may also address that underlying issue. Recovery is typically swift, with most patients back to their routines in no time!

Umbilicoplasty Recovery

Get ready for a navel glow-up post-umbilicoplasty! Initially, you will notice some swelling and bruising, but as these side effects subside, the new shape of your belly button will start to shine through. While you’re waving goodbye to your “outie” and welcoming an “innie,” remember to give it some TLC.

As with all surgeries, individual experiences vary, although most patients rave about their aesthetically pleasing navels. Of course, it’s not just about looks; many report a boost in confidence when rocking those summer outfits or hitting the beach! No more shying away from crop tops or swimsuits!

How to Care for Your New Belly Button After Surgery

Giving your navel some TLC after an umbilicoplasty is crucial for that seamless belly button transformation. 

First up, expect some swelling and bruising — totally normal. To manage it, keep the area clean and dry. Your surgeon will provide specific guidelines, but as a general rule, gentle cleansing with mild soap and water works wonders.

Bandages will be your navel’s new BFF for a while. They protect the area and keep nasty infections at bay. Change them as advised, and be on the lookout for any unusual discharge or increased redness.

Avoid soaking in tubs or hitting the pool until you get the green light from your surgeon. Also, those crunches and intense workouts? Hold off for a bit. Too much strain could interfere with healing. 

Lastly, a follow-up with your surgeon ensures everything’s on track. Remember, a well-cared-for belly button is a happy belly button. Here’s to your navel’s new chapter!

Start Your Umbilicoplasty Journey With Dr. Chang!

Meet us at 19500 Sandridge Way, Suite 350, Leesburg, VA 20176, or call us at (703) 574-4342 for a complimentary consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Phillip Chang before moving forward with your procedure. If everything matches up, our team will help you navigate the entire process from beginning to end. Also, remember to check out our blog and social media for more information on plastic surgery and plastic surgery trends!


  1. “People Are Getting Plastic Surgery on Their Belly Buttons Now.” Allure, 28 Apr. 2017, www.allure.com/story/innies-outties-belly-button-surgery. Access date: 9 August 2023.

  2. “Umbilicoplasty Overview: Cost, Recovery, before & after.” AEDIT, www.aedit.com/procedure/umbilicoplasty. Access date: 9 August 2023.

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