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Breast Augmentation: Body Fat v.s. Implants?6 min read

Body Fat Transfers for Breast Augmentation
Picture of Dr. Phillip Chang

Dr. Phillip Chang

Board Certified By The American Board of Plastic Surgeons.
Voted Top Plastic Surgeon in Loudoun, Virginia
Offices in Leesburg, Virginia.

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Move over, breast implants. A new competitor has entered the arena: the body fat transfer. That’s right — body fat transfers are becoming a popular alternative to silicone and saline breast implants. While implants have been the go-to breast augmentation procedure for years, more and more women are opting to use their own body fat to round, enlarge, and perk their breasts through a fat graft. Is this natural boob job the better option? Keep reading to find out!

How Breast Augmentation Works

Breast augmentation (the boob job) is most desired by women who are looking for larger breasts, to even their breasts, or to recover breast shape after breastfeeding. Most often, women choose between silicone or saline implants in various shapes and sizes to personalize their breasts to their ideal end result, guided by an expert cosmetic surgeon with an artistic eye.

While the procedure varies depending on the patient’s goals, choices, and the surgeon, breast augmentation using implants is usually done in a 1-1.5 hour procedure. At Aesthetica, the Keller Funnel technique is used to decrease scarring, complications, and improve end results. 

After pain medication and initial numbing injections, a small incision is made on the breast (where depends on implant and patient, but usually along the breast undercrease). A dual plane technique is used to make a pocket underneath the chest muscles and the implants are placed within the pocket. The surgeon checks to make sure placement is good, then will close the incisions. After recovery, the patient has larger, perkier, more voluminous breasts!

For a fat transfer, the surgeon will take fat (commonly through liposuction or syringe system) from another part of the body (buttocks, thighs, abdomen, etc.) and inject the fat into various parts of the the breasts to shape them. While the concept is simple, there is a lot to a body fat transfer that depends on the patient, surgeon, and desired end results, making it a more personalized and lengthy procedure. However, with a talented, trained, and experienced surgeon, the fat tranfer results in larger, perkier, more voluminous – yet still fully natural –  breasts!

At Aesthetica, Dr. Chang is a nationally and internationally renowned cosmetic surgeon with a talented hand and artistic eye. He can guide you through your personal breast augmentation journey for either breast implants of body fat transfer to meet your goals and desires with expertise and fantastic results.

Breast Augmentation vs. Fat Transfer: Pros & Cons

When deciding between breast implants and breast augmentation through fat transfer, it’s important to understand which procedure best suits your goals and body. While both methods are tried and true, it’s important to know which you feel will benefit you best!

Breast Implant Pros & Cons

Breast Implant Pros:

  • Variety of Choices for Size & Shape – Breast implants offer various sizes, shapes, softness, firmness, etc. to create more personalized results. 
  • More Significant Results – Breast implants can range from natural-looking to Barbie doll, depending on patient’s desires.
  • Long-Lasting – With proper care, breast implants can stay the same shape and size for up to a decade, keeping your breasts the same size they did after the procedure.
  • Quicker Procedure – Breast implant procedures are usually done in a shorter amount of time than fat transfers. 
  • Expected Results – Since breast implants are, well, implants, surgeons can be certain with the visual end results. Through Vectra 3D imaging, they can show you how the shape and size will look on your body.
  • Less Expensive – Often, breast implants are less expensive than body fat transfers by a few thousand. (Breast implant cost generally ranges from $8,000-$10,000)

Breast Implant Cons:

  • Not As Natural as Body Fat Transfer – The implants will not look nor feel as natural as body fat transfer augmentations. 
  • Breastfeeding Risk – Breast implants run the risk of making breastfeeding more difficult. Talk to your surgeon if this is a concern for you.
  • Potential to Rupture or Become Irritated – If not taken care of properly, damaged, or worn out, breast implants may run into complications.

Fat Transfer Pros & Cons

Fat Transfer Pros:

  • Reduces Body Fat – A body fat transfer will take fat from other areas you may wish were more toned (like thighs and abdomen) and transfer it to your breasts. It’s like a two-for-one deal!
  • Less Invasive – A fat transfer is less invasive than a breast implant, since it only requires small incisions for the liposuction or injection sites.
  • Decreased Complications – A body fat transfer augmentation can decrease the medical complications, since the body will not reject its own fat during the transfer.
  • More Natural Results – A body fat transfer is best for those looking for the most natural results possible. A body fat breast augmentation both looks and feels more natural than implants. 
  • Permanent Results – The fat transfer results are permanent. If the patient’s weight is maintained, the size will be permanent. As the patient gains weight, the breasts will grow larger. As the patient loses weight, the breasts will grow smaller.
  • A 1-2 Cup Increase – A body fat transfer will increase your original breast shape by 1-2 cups, often less significant than breast implants.

Body Fat Transfer Cons:

  • Less Significant Increase in Size – Body fat transfers do not result in as considerable a change as breast implants. 
  • More Expensive – The price of a body fat transfer can cost up to $20,000.
  • Longer, More-Than-One Treatments – A body fat transfer breast augmentation may require more than one treatment, depending on the result. The procedure itself is also more lengthy.

What's Best For You?

Ultimately, whether a breast implant augmentation or a body fat transfer augmentation is best depends on you! If you’re looking for a more natural route, the body fat transfer may be best for you. If you’re looking for more significant results, breast implants may be best for you. Your breasts will be your breasts forever, so make sure the option you choose is truly what you believe will make you happier and meet your desires! We can promise you one thing – either breast procedure has glowing reviews!

We invite you to simply come in for a complimentary consultation with Dr. Chang or one of the cosmetic laser and injection nurses to explore whether you would make a good candidate. To find out more whether Aesthetica can help you, contact us online or at 703-729-5553 to arrange an appointment. Dr. Phillip Chang is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Northern Virginia near Leesburg, Virginia and an expert in a wide variety of cosmetic treatments.

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Our office can provide you with helpful information, schedule a free consultation, and walk you through the many services and procedures we provide.

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