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The 3 Most Effective Ways to Get Rid of Neck Fat

Neck Fat Removal
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About 68% of people surveyed by the American Society for Dermatology named excess fat under the chin and neck as one of their top concerns. Many people say they think a double chin makes them look older than they actually are. There are 3 identifiable methods to get rid of the dreaded doubled chin.

There are 3 identifiable methods to get rid of the dreaded doubled chin

1. Diet and Exercise

Without being too trite, diet and exercise are as effective as any method in some people. The problem is that in some people, the neck fat is a genetically predisposed area for your body to accumulate fat. This basically means that while you might be able to make an impact and make it smaller, it might be extremely difficult to make a major impact unless you want to starve yourself. That is when methods 2 and 3 might be more helpful.

2. Kybella

Kybella is the newest evolution and revolution in getting rid of the waddle under your neck, and might be the holy grail for many in this selfie-generation. Kybella was recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration as the first drug that can eliminate neck fat in most people without surgery.

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Kybella is the trade name for deoxycholic acid, and is made by Californa’s Kythera Biopharmaceuticals. This is the same acid your body produces to help it absorb fat. It takes only a few minutes for your plastic surgeon to perform this in-office procedure.

The drug immediately goes to work on your stubborn neck waddle by destroying the cell membrane of what we doctors call “submental fat”. It causes the fat cells to burst and go away permanently. Then, it is selfie-time.

There are some limitations. For example, it might require 2 or more treatment sessions depending on the amount of fat in the neck. On the other hand, it takes only a few days to heal, and there are no unsightly tell-tale bandages.

Side effects for a small number of patients in the Kybella drug trials included nerve injury in the jaw that leads to a lopsided smile or facial weakness. It also may cause bruising, swelling, redness and some pain in some patients. Insurance does not cover this treatment. It is FDA approved for under the neck only and is not approved for other parts of the body. The FDA approved the drug after the manufacturer submitted 19 clinical studies involving nearly 2,600 patients. The tests showed the drug worked to eliminate moderate to severe chin fat. Currently, the only other way to delete your double chin is to have surgery. This brings up method number 3.

3. Liposuction surgery

Liposuction of the neck fat is the most traditional method of removing fat from the neck. And up until the introduction of Kybella, it was really the only method. It is a surgical procedure that is relatively non-invasive and can often be performed in an office setting. It requires 1 or 2 very small incisions in the neck that are generally not visible later. Through these incisions, a numbing solution is injected. This is followed by a suction cannula which simply “vacuums” the fat away.

The procedure remains more guaranteed than using Kybella; in the sense that it is usually a one-time treatment whereas Kybella may often require 2 or more treatments. It also carries the downside of requiring a compression bandage for a week, the potential for some skin irregularities, and the potential for injuring a nerve in the jaw that may lead to a lopsided smile or facial weakness.


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Acne is the most common skin condition in the U.S. affecting nearly 50 million Americans at any time. Acne is caused when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. It can often be persistent and unsightly.

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Brown sun and age spots are some of the first signs of aging and sun damage.

Treatment options include

  1. Creams such as hydroquinone and retin A.  Hydroquinone is a bleaching agent while Retin A increases cellular turnover.  Over-the-counter creams will generally not have high enough concentrations to be effective.
  2. Forever Young BBL – Cutting edge technology providing the most powerful and effective IPL option.

The Forever Young BBL uses Broad Band Light to alter skin melanin and rejuvenate cellular DNA.  Instead of spending time and money on ineffective skin care products many of our patients have turned to the Forever Young BBL to make their skin more vibrant and youthful; reducing brown and red pigmentation problems, promoting collagen, and rejuvenating cellular DNA. It is the most popular laser treatment in our clinic.

What to expect from the Forever Young BBL:

  • Treatments take 20-30 minutes
  • Up to 80% improvement after a single treatment.
  • Most patients will benefit from adding a Micro Laser Peel and a Profractional Laser Peel ( Triple Laser Package )
  • Fine facial lines and wrinkles are a result of UV sun damage, the breakdown of collagen, and a decrease in skin hydration. The Micro Laser Peel and the Profractional Laser are ablative lasers designed to reverse these changes.

    • The Micro Laser Peel precisely ablates the surface skin in order to remove UV damaged skin
    • The Profractional Laser ablates deep columns of skin that can reach to the deep dermis. This allows for skin contraction but it also encourages new cell grown and organizes new collagen

    Results depend on the depth of treatment. Recovery from a maintenance treatment can be as little as a day; but recovery from aggressive treatments can be as much as 7 days. Many patients will benefit from the addition of the Forever Young BBL ( Triple Laser Package ).

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