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Reasons Why Labiaplasty is the Fastest Growing Plastic Surgery Procedure

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There was a time when genital size was something we talked about with respect to male sexual prowess… that has to some degree changed. Data released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons found a 39% increase in labiaplasty surgeries in 2016, with more than 12,000 procedures last year. That makes the labiaplasty procedure the fastest growing plastic procedure in the United States. Labiaplasty is the cosmetic reduction of the inner lips of the vagina.

What has led to this explosion of vaginal rejuvenation procedures?

1. Internet Porn

According to Forbes Magazine, approximately 10-15% of all internet searches are for porn; and somewhere between 1.5 to 4% of all websites are for porn sites. These numbers are staggering when you consider that men and women could barely draw out the female genital anatomy before the internet era. Sure, there was Playboy or some other magazine, but the number of people who bought or subscribed to these publications was minuscule by comparison.

This unusual education has had the unexpected outcome that both men and women have a better understanding of what “average” genitalia might look like. And if the genitalia they have is any different than what they understand as “average”, then there might be the associated feeling of being “abnormal”.

2. Waxing and Grooming

The increase in waxing and grooming is a phenomenon that might also be related to the increase in internet porn, there has been an increased emphasis on personal grooming “down there” in the last decade or two. In western societies, removal of female body hair especially in the underarms, legs, and the genital area has traditionally been preferable.

The evolution of women’s clothing has been shrinking since at least 1946 with the introduction of the bikini and the elimination of the full skirt or body suit. At the same time, mini-skirts also replaced long skirts, and thongs replaced bikinis.

The shortening of clothing and the shrinking of bathing suits has led to the evolution of the Brazilian wax where all of the hair was removed from the pubic area including in and around the vagina; hair is removed so that it can’t be seen sticking out from beyond the confines of the thong. The evolution in women’s fashion along with the sexual revolution, in general, are strongly associated with a woman’s introspection about their genital appearance and sexuality. Women, therefore, became more conscious about how their genitalia appeared to the public in general and to men specifically.
Popular treatment areas include the abdomen, upper arms, love handles (flanks), inner and outer thighs, double-chin, bra fat and underneath the buttocks! CoolSculpting® is also FDA-cleared to affect the appearance of lax tissues with submental area treatments.

3. Sexual Revolution

The sexual revolution supposedly started in the 1960s and continues to this day. Not surprisingly, Hugh Hefner and Larry Flint were the products and promoters of this revolution. It brought about profound shifts in the attitudes to women’s sexuality, pre-marital sexuality and the freedom of sexual expression. The relaxation in the attitudes about sexuality direct relation to the recognition that women are sexual beings and with that came an increase in awareness of the female sensual anatomy.

4. Medical / Plastic Surgery Advances

This is where I come in. Cosmetic improvement of the vaginal area has come a long way. Many, if not most, of these procedures can be performed in the office under local anesthesia. Procedures now include the labiaplasty procedure to reduce the size of the labia minora or the inner vaginal lips. The clitoroplasty to reduce the size of the clitoral hood. The vaginoplasty to tighten up the vaginal opening. Or the mons reduction or lift to reduce the size of a large or saggy mons ( tissue over the pubic bone ), And now, with the introduction of the diVa Laser procedure, we have the ability to treat stress urinary incontinence ( problem where you pee when you cough, sneeze, or jump ) and decreased vaginal lubrication which can be a problem with age, menopause, or after cancer therapy.

Like the rest of the country, I have seen a significant rise in the number of cosmetic labiaplasty consultations. What makes my procedure stand out is that I had the benefit of learning from Dr. Gary Alter who pioneered the wedge procedure. My personal adaptation which I show on my youtube video has gotten me international attention from doctors and patients.


5. Education by the Internet and Social Media

Before the internet, if a woman complained about pain or discomfort in the vaginal area, they might have had a difficult time finding a reliable source to find a reason for their problem. They might have reluctantly relied upon friends or they would have had to wait for a doctor’s appointment. Friends notoriously lie to support you, and doctor’s might often be ignorant themselves or even indifferent given that it is not necessarily a “medical problem”

But with the adoption of the internet and social media, you now have access to encyclopedias of information about any topic. You can easily find that a long labia can cause pain and discomfort. Or you might find solace in knowing that women are taking care of this issue with a labiaplasty procedure with extremely high satisfaction rates. Some women may experience discomfort from longer tissue, which can rub the wrong way during sex or in tight clothing, while others may feel uncomfortable sexually because their genitalia doesn’t look like the women they see in adult films or online.

Many times a person will start with a Google search to see if anyone else out there has the same problem, and you have a whole cadre of people on social media who have the same concerns…and it allows you to hear about other stories and what they did and their experience.


Most frequent questions and answers

Acne is the most common skin condition in the U.S. affecting nearly 50 million Americans at any time. Acne is caused when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. It can often be persistent and unsightly.

The Acne Clear BBL is a cutting-edge acne treatment that uses the power of light to comfortably and effectively clear acne without expensive creams or toxic medicines…

Brown sun and age spots are some of the first signs of aging and sun damage.

Treatment options include

  1. Creams such as hydroquinone and retin A.  Hydroquinone is a bleaching agent while Retin A increases cellular turnover.  Over-the-counter creams will generally not have high enough concentrations to be effective.
  2. Forever Young BBL – Cutting edge technology providing the most powerful and effective IPL option.

The Forever Young BBL uses Broad Band Light to alter skin melanin and rejuvenate cellular DNA.  Instead of spending time and money on ineffective skin care products many of our patients have turned to the Forever Young BBL to make their skin more vibrant and youthful; reducing brown and red pigmentation problems, promoting collagen, and rejuvenating cellular DNA. It is the most popular laser treatment in our clinic.

What to expect from the Forever Young BBL:

  • Treatments take 20-30 minutes
  • Up to 80% improvement after a single treatment.
  • Most patients will benefit from adding a Micro Laser Peel and a Profractional Laser Peel ( Triple Laser Package )
  • Fine facial lines and wrinkles are a result of UV sun damage, the breakdown of collagen, and a decrease in skin hydration. The Micro Laser Peel and the Profractional Laser are ablative lasers designed to reverse these changes.

    • The Micro Laser Peel precisely ablates the surface skin in order to remove UV damaged skin
    • The Profractional Laser ablates deep columns of skin that can reach to the deep dermis. This allows for skin contraction but it also encourages new cell grown and organizes new collagen

    Results depend on the depth of treatment. Recovery from a maintenance treatment can be as little as a day; but recovery from aggressive treatments can be as much as 7 days. Many patients will benefit from the addition of the Forever Young BBL ( Triple Laser Package ).

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