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Clitoroplasty Versus Labiaplasty: Which is Right for You?10 min read

Clitoroplasty versus Labiaplasty: Which Is Right For You?
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So many women associate cosmetic surgery only with reconstructions of the breasts or face, whether for cosmetic reasons or in response to a significant medical event.

The truth, however, is that the science of cosmetic surgery has advanced to the point that almost any part of the body can be treated. 

Clitoroplasty or labiaplasty operations could provide the desired solution for women dealing with either medical complications or a desire to rejuvenate their intimate area.

As you might expect, these treatments are more complex than cosmetic procedures like facial injections, so read on to learn the details about which might be right for you!

What is Feminine Rejuvenation?

Feminine rejuvenation is an umbrella term used to describe procedures that address the aesthetic and functional concerns of the vaginal area. This can include the tightening of the vaginal canal, reshaping or resizing the labia, and adjusting the appearance of the clitoris. These treatments can help boost self-esteem, enhance sexual satisfaction, and solve particular medical issues related to the vaginal area.

purpose of labiaplasty procedure

What is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty, in short, is a surgical procedure that shortens the length of the labia minora and/or labia majora, resulting in a change of appearance of the vulva. Whether the procedure alters the labia minora or the labia majora – or both – is determined through thorough consultation with a plastic surgeon.

Approximately 10,000 labiaplasty procedures are performed each year, a far smaller number than that of nose or breast augmentations, which combined add up to about half a million. That being said, there are many women for whom labiaplasty is an operation that drastically improves quality of life.

These quality-of-life improvements that result from labiaplasty are the results of the rare cases in which labiaplasty is medically necessary. Beyond desires for aesthetic adjustment, there are two situations that are typically considered medical justification for undergoing labiaplasty.

The first situation occurs when the labia are long enough to get tucked into the vagina during sexual penetration. This phenomenon introduces the risk of tearing the skin of the vulva, which, as might be expected, is very painful.

Excessively long labia can also lead to the second circumstance, which is that regular activities like running, biking, sitting, or wearing a bathing suit are uncomfortable because of irritation of the vulva’s skin. Both of these situations have the potential to be resolved via labiaplasty.

When this – simply shortening the labia – is the reason one pursues an operation, the results are usually quite successful. A 2014 study, for example, found that 91% of patients were pleased with the improved sexual satisfaction and quality of life resulting from the operation.

Women suffering from preexisting diseases or poor psychological health may not be candidates for surgery; this question will be resolved by consulting your general practitioner, gynecologist, or plastic surgeon.

The 3 Types of Labiaplasties

Depending on your labiaplasty needs, there are two surgical labiaplasties as well as a non-surgical option. The surgical labiaplasties are for reducing the size of your labia, whereas the non-surgical labiaplasty corrects thinning and drooping from aging.

For surgical labiaplasties, there are two types. In the first method, also called the edge or trim method, excess tissue or skin is trimmed away from the edges of the labia minora. This surgery is best for reshaping labia and making them symmetrical.

The second surgical labiaplasty, called the wedge method, takes a wedge of your tissue from the thickest part of the labia minora to reduce labia that may be causing pain.

Finally, a non-surgical labiaplasty involves using harvested fat or a filler to increase lost volume in the vulva region.

With these options, women of any age can experience revolutionary vaginal rejuvenation. You can say goodbye to lost confidence and look brightly toward a more comfortable, pleasurable future.

What Does Labiaplasty Recovery Look Like?

Once you’re at home, you’ll be all set to begin your recovery. Labiaplasty healing is longer than clitoroplasty healing, but just as worth it. Let’s break down your recovery week by week so you know exactly what to expect.

  • Week 1: During the first week, you should take time off work to rest at home. While you’re at home, you’ll want to give your body optimal care. This means wearing loose, comfortable clothing, icing the surgical site, elevating your bottom to reduce swelling, and getting lots of sleep. You should also wash the surgical site daily to make sure it stays clean and free from infection. It’s also important to take the medication that your plastic surgeon prescribes. This will reduce any pain you may experience. As for the side effects of surgery, you may notice some bleeding, bruising, or inflammation. Don’t worry, these are all completely normal for your first week, and sometimes during your second as well.
  • Week 2: By this time, you’ll be healing well. However, this doesn’t mean you won’t be able to tell you had a procedure. Movements like peeing and sitting might still be uncomfortable and other side effects could still be present. You should continue to rest at home while these symptoms subside. Also, keep wearing comfortable clothes, especially loose underwear, so that nothing rubs you uncomfortably. You should also continue washing the region and taking your medication as prescribed.
  • Week 3: At week 3, you’ll notice that true healing has set in. You won’t feel as tender and your bruising and bleeding will be significantly reduced, if not gone. You will still have some swelling, but this won’t stop you from living your regular life. In three weeks, you’ll certainly be back at work and wearing many of your favorite outfits again.
  • Week 4: This is when you’ll feel fully like yourself again. You may have some swelling left, but all other side effects should be completely gone. 

Labiaplasty recovery is very simple with these steps. Other general steps to follow during your recovery include attending your follow-up appointments, using sanitary pads and not tampons during the first several weeks, and abstaining from sexual intercourse for 6-12 weeks. After this time frame, there are no restrictions from your labiaplasty and certainly no more embarrassment. You can feel free to live your best, most confident life.

What is a Clitoroplasty?

Like the labiaplasty procedure described above, clitoroplasty operations are relatively straightforward.

The typical operation is performed in the procedure room of a clinic, with local anesthesia applied to the genital area. The procedure is usually completed within an hour, and the recovery period is similarly minimal.

Two to three days is the average recovery period, after which most patients are encouraged to resume normal physical and work activities. The exception is sexual intercourse, which should be delayed until the wound and swelling from the operation have resolved completely.

What are the Risks of Labiaplasty and Clitoroplasty?

A clitoroplasty is a quick procedure with less downtime than many other vaginal rejuvenation surgeries. Once you go home the same day, you’ll rest for a few days before returning to normal life.

For 2 to 3 days, you should rest and skip strenuous activities. After this, you’ll easily be able to return to normal life, except that you should refrain from sexual intercourse until the wound is fully healed, typically 4-6 weeks. Other post-operative guidelines include:

  • Sitting on a cushion for 2-4 weeks so that no unnecessary pressure is put on your clitoris
  • Taking medication for the first 3-5 days to reduce any pain you may experience
  • Having your sutures removed 10-14 days after surgery
  • Avoiding strenuous exercise for 2-4 weeks after surgery to promote maximum healing
  • Staying home from work for 3-7 days to ensure full rest

If you follow these steps, you’ll find that your clitoroplasty recovery is easy to manage and minimally invasive. After 6 weeks, you won’t have any more post-operative care steps to take, and in 3-6 months, you’ll see your full results. As a minimally invasive vaginal rejuvenation procedure, you can be sure your clitoroplasty will be a low recovery time but high results!

What Does Clitoroplasty Recovery Look Like?

While these procedures have been very beneficial for the daily lives and sexual lives of many women, it is important to be aware of the potential risks of labiaplasty and clitoroplasty.

When it comes to labiaplasty, risks include numbness and chronic dryness in the area, as well as decreased sensitivity of the vulva. The techniques used to perform labiaplasty operations are continuously being improved in order to avoid these outcomes, but it is still important to keep in mind that excessive removal of skin can hinder the labia from their important role of shielding the vagina from potential infections.

A clitoroplasty carries risks of infection, numbness, excessive scar tissue buildup, or excessive bleeding. Like any surgery, labiaplasty and clitoroplasty are both complex procedures that should be handled by a professional plastic surgeon.

Where medically necessary or aesthetically useful, however, labiaplasty or clitoroplasty can be a life-changing operation that boosts sexual health and self-esteem in a powerful way. Revitalize your confidence with vaginal rejuvenation!

Can Clitoroplasty and Labiaplasty Be Combined?

Now that you know the difference between a clitoroplasty and a labiaplasty, you may realize that both of these vaginal rejuvenation surgeries can help you. If that’s the case, never fear! Clitoroplasty and labiaplasty surgeries are often combined for brilliant results. Your plastic surgeon will be happy to discuss this combination with you at your consultation.

With vaginal rejuvenation, you can suddenly feel yourself again! No more embarrassment or sudden bathroom trips to fix that obnoxious camel toe. It’s time to shine and be the best version of yourself, and we’re here to help you achieve that!

Benefits of Feminine Rejuvenation

  • Improved sexual satisfaction: Procedures like labiaplasty can have direct benefits. As highlighted by a 2014 study, up to 91% of patients reported a surge in sexual satisfaction after undergoing the procedure.
  • Boosted self-esteem: Addressing any concerns regarding the genitalia can significantly elevate a woman’s confidence and self-esteem.
  • Resolving medical issues: Some women opt for these procedures to alleviate physical discomfort or other medical concerns related to the structure of their genitalia.

Are You Considering Clitoroplasty or Labiaplasty? Contact Us to Learn More!

Meet us at 19500 Sandridge Way, Suite 350, Leesburg, VA 20176, or call us at (703) 574-4342 for a complimentary consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Phillip Chang before proceeding with your vaginal wellness treatment plan. If all the conditions are met, our team will help you navigate the entire process from beginning to end. Also, remember to check out our resources page and social media for more information on cosmetic surgery trends!

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