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Best of Loudoun 2019
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Who are the Baby Boomers? They are people born after the Second World War and aged between 55 – 73. They are the generation who experienced Fifties Suburbia, the Swinging Sixties, and the disco revolution of the Seventies. They were the largest voting group in the Eighties and Nineties and started to retire in the Nineties. Active 55 and over communities are increasing year on year as more of the Baby Boomers age. They have lots of disposable income and a desire to stay young and healthy.

Baby Boomers are turning to cosmetic surgery in order to turn back their aging faces and bodies. Stats show an increase in procedures both surgical and non-surgical among those aged 55 and older from 2017 to 2018. “Older Americans are vibrant and living their lives to the fullest, and they want the way they look to reflect that,” said Dr. Alan Matarasso, President of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons who collated the data.

Why are they choosing plastic surgery now? What is changing amongst this age group? You may be surprised by the reason.

Facelift Virginia

It's All About The Dating Game

Divorce rates have jumped upwards, and Boomers are looking for love! Which means there are a lot of lonely, singles out there competing in a small pool of  desirable dates. And dating has moved on from the traditional lonely page ads and actually meeting people in person at work or an evening out. Now it’s all swipe right and waiting for a match, and it’s more based on looks than ever before. The photo you choose can make or break your social life and thats scary for lots of people, especially the older generation. Who wants their wrinkles and sags out in the digital universe for all to see? 

Many are turning to Botox and fillers such as Juvederm to help them look refreshed and confidant. Others are choosing a surgical procedure such as a face lift or eyelid lift. Both can provide instant results that can help with that all important profile pic. Face Lifts are still the number one procedure for baby boomers, but many newer techniques like facial fat transfer are becoming more common place. It suddenly becomes more about how young you feel rather than how old you look. 

Face Lift Before & After

before Facelift
After Facelift

Looking Good To Feel Good

Baby Boomers are taking the time to eat right, exercise, and take care of their health so it is only natural that part of what makes them feel good is looking their best too. One procedure that has seen a major increase (18%) in 2018 is hair transplants. Thinning hair and hair loss can be a real confidence drainer. Fortunately there are procedures like hair transplants widely available now to change thinning bald spots into forests of hair. 

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure but there are other options for people who aren’t ready to go down the surgical route. If your hair is thinning, you can try PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). This involves taking some vials of blood from your body, running them through a centrifuge machine, and collecting the rich plasma into a syringe to be injected into the hairline.

Two to three treatments are needed but there is no recovery time, and 90% of patients see hair growth after the second treatment. No more hats to hide the receding hairline or going extreme with an all overall shave.

Do The Preliminary Research

Deciding to have a cosmetic procedure whether it be surgical or non-surgical should involve extensive research and a visit to their primary physician to make sure they are healthy and have no health problems that could hamper their recovery and lead to complications. It’s so important to take the time to find the right clinic and surgeon to do the procedure and ask lots of questions at the free consultation. 

Its Time To Enjoy Yourself

Plastic surgery has evolved so much during the Baby Boomers years, and it has become more socially acceptable and accessible to all. There is little to no stigma attached to getting work done and this has paved the way for people to make decisions about the way they look. People are living longer, staying healthier and wanting to make the most of their time after divorce or the death of a loved one. And for many people, getting rid of wrinkles, having thicker hair or tightening up saggy skin can help their dating profiles and boost their confidence.


For those wanting to know more about the best cosmetic solution for you, we invite you to simply come in for a complimentary consultation with Dr. Chang or one of the cosmetic laser and injection nurses to explore whether you would make a good candidate. To find out more whether Aesthetica can help you, contact us online or at 703-729-5553 to arrange an appointment. Dr. Phillip Chang is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Northern Virginia near Leesburg, Virginia and an expert in a wide variety of cosmetic treatments.

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Our office can provide you will helpful information, schedule a free consultation, and walk you through the many services and procedures we offer.

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We wish you a joyful holiday season! Please note our adjusted hours during this time:

Dec. 23rd 9am – 3.30pm
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Jan. 2nd 9am – 5pm
Jan. 3rd 9am – 5pm

Important Announcement

Please note that Aesthetica Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center will be closed on Monday, September 2, in observance of Labor Day.

We hope you enjoy the holiday, and we’ll be back to serve you with our regular hours on Tuesday, September 3. Have a safe and relaxing Labor Day!