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Droopy jowls look so cute on boxer puppies, but humans tend to be less fond of the saggy neck look, right?

Exercise can keep our body in shape, but unfortunately the neck area is hard to tone up. Especially after weight-loss – your chin sometimes hangs on stubbornly to the extra fat!

Great skincare and treatments can help your face stay toned and gorgeous, but the chin and neck area can be much more challenging. If you’ve got a double chin, loose skin or the so-called turkey neck, it can make you very self-conscious and uncomfortable. Happily, we now have an amazing, safe and non-invasive treatment that can help create a beautiful neck lift for you and banish that turkey neck.

Welcome CoolSculpting to your life and say goodbye to your aging neck

CoolSculpting can transform the neck and chin area so that your skin feels toned and firm, looks lifted and younger. It is a simple, in-office procedure; there’s no downtime or anesthesia required. It works simply by freezing the fat cells to tighten the area being treated.

The CoolSculpting treatment is done by placing a small suction cup under the chin. This suction cup is attached to a hose, which connects to the CoolSculpting machine. Once the machine is switched on, the skin is kept at a constant temperature of about 54F (12C) for 35-45 minutes. Keeping the skin at this temperature freezes and permanently kills the fat cells, so that the area will then tighten up. There is slight discomfort as your skin cools but this is temporary and quick. Usually one treatment is enough, and you’ll see an improvement right away – with further tightening over the 2-3 weeks following treatment. Some people do require a second treatment depending on the area being treated.

Either way, the results are impressive! Look at the before and after photos below:

coolsculpting neck before and after

When Coolsculpting a turkey neck, Dr Phil sometimes finds that it helps to have a small amount of Botox as well. Applying Botox in your neck eliminates the stringy look that can come with neck aging. It’s common to get some skin redness for up to 24 hours after the treatment – but this is easily covered up with some make-up. Then all you need to do is decide which new tops to add to your wardrobe to display your firm, youthful neck.

Where did CoolSculpting come from and is it safe?

This fascinating technology was created in the 1970’s and is now FDA cleared. It was invented when two doctors noticed that children who frequently ate popsicles were prone to developing dimples in their cheeks. They discovered that the dimples were from an inflammation of the fat cells in the kids’ mouths – leading to a loss of fat cells in their cheeks. Cool eh? This phenomenon paved the way for fat freezing technology (cryolipolysis). And in 2010, the FDA approved the use of CoolSculpting.

Here at Aesthetica we have been helping clients enjoy the benefits of CoolSculpting for many years. We pride ourselves on delighting our clients. It is a very useful treatment for spot reducing areas of stubborn fat – whether it’s your chin/neck, love handles, tummy or any other area. Once treated, the fat cells will not grow back.

Here at Aesthetica we have been helping clients enjoy the benefits of CoolSculpting for many years. We pride ourselves on delighting our clients.

CoolSculpt your turkey neck (and other areas) at Aesthetica

As one of the most visible areas of the body, Dr Chang’s clients particularly love the quick transformation CoolSculpting gives to the neck and chin. 

CoolSculpting helped a supermodel achieve her ideal neck. Read about her experience here! 

Annette Women's Post-Surgical Softcup Wirefree Bra

Contact us today to see how we can help you achieve a neck lift with out surgery.

We can advise you on the best treatment for your neck and chin concerns, and create a tailored plan. Click here today to book your free confidential consultation with Dr Chang or one of the cosmetic laser and injection nurses. They will be delighted to explain how Coolsculpting can help you feel confident about your neckline again.

Let Us Help You!

Our office can provide you will helpful information, schedule a free consultation, and a 3D Vectra scan of your anticipated results!

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Please note that Aesthetica Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center will be closed on Monday, September 2, in observance of Labor Day.

We hope you enjoy the holiday, and we’ll be back to serve you with our regular hours on Tuesday, September 3. Have a safe and relaxing Labor Day!