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BOTOX can do much more than you have ever thought.
Face Surgery
Mini Facelift
Look younger
Facelift surgery is perhaps, along with breast augmentation surgery, one of the two signature procedures in plastic surgery. In 2016, according to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nearly 125,000 patients had facelift surgery. Facelift surgery is as much an art as much as it is a technical procedure. For that reason, you need to be find a surgeon that you feel has an artistic eye as well as who stays on top of all of they many technical advances face rejuvenation and cosmetic surgery.
The following steps define how I approach aging faces and mentally decide how I could make you look more youthful. It is very important to understand that my mental approach is very different than what we decide would be your best treatment options. This is because the consultation should always start with YOU and what you want; there is no point in suggesting you benefit from a facelift or other surgical option when you are searching for ONLY non-surgical options.
When you come in for your consultation, we start with how you think you are aging and what you might want me to do about it. Many patients might then turn this around and ask for a a menu of what I think. In the end, it is a compromise between what you want and what I think I can provide. This is how you end up with natural results.
The following steps define how I approach aging faces and mentally decide how I could make you look more youthful. It is very important to understand that my mental approach is very different than what we decide would be your best treatment options. This is because the consultation should always start with YOU and what you want; there is no point in suggesting you benefit from a facelift or other surgical option when you are searching for ONLY non-surgical options.
When you come in for your consultation, we start with how you think you are aging and what you might want me to do about it. Many patients might then turn this around and ask for a a menu of what I think. In the end, it is a compromise between what you want and what I think I can provide. This is how you end up with natural results.
1. Volume Restoration
Volume loss is the significant change with age. And replacing volume early with facial fillers like Juvederm or Voluma particularly below the eyes, in the temples, and around the mouth will slow down aging in young patients. Older patients might benefit more both functionally and financially with a fat transfer as it requires transferring your own fat, which has no overhead. A nonsurgical or liquid facelift refers to a procedure that uses more than 4 syringes of facial fillers to elevate the tissue.
2. Botox for Dynamic Facial Lines
Botox is a nice addition to the dynamic wrinkles of the forehead including the horizontal forehead lines, the vertical angry “11s” between the eyebrows, and the crows feet lines
3. Skin Tightening
A Mini facelift, facelift, or other skin tightening is only needed if volume replacement is not enough to elevate the tissue. I will review my exact technique below. This procedure is the most common procedure that I perform. It allows for the elevation of the lower face, jowls, and some of the upper neck. If there is a lot of droopy skin or muscle looseness in the neck, then a neck lift will also be required. Patients who only have a mini facelift and facial fillers can often return to work in less than a week. The addition of eyelid surgery, forehead, or neck lift surgery will require 1-2 weeks of immediate recovery.
4. Laser skin care
Laser skin using our Sciton Laser Platform is strongly suggested to clean up the skin.
There is not necessarily a “right” time to get a facelift surgery. Just like the concept of beauty is subjective, the concept of facial aging can also be subjective. Facial aging begins with a loss of collagen and volume loss before the skin begins to sag. Therefore, nonsurgical options that add facial volume is usually a first step in treating facial aging. This is mostly true if you are in your thirties and early forties. As you get older, volume loss is more dramatic, collagen begins to stretch. The strategy at this time is to optimize facial volume and lifting the extra sagging tissue. The average age for a mini facelift is about 40 years old.
Facelift techniques continue to evolve. The marketing of plastic surgery has unfortunately led to an explosion of confusing vanity names such as the lifestyle lift, the miami facelift, or a dozen other names. At the end of the day, there are really only a few types. The choice of facelift technique depends on a number of factors including your skin quality, facial shape, age, and goals.
- Skin only facelifts
- SMAS elevation facelifts
- Deep plane facelift and
- Subperiosteal facelifts
There is not necessarily a single best technique. My technique is more of a strategic approach. My goals are to produce a natural result that reproduces the components of aging in the safest way possible. I do this by first replacing volume with either fat or cosmetic fillers, then I lift and reposition the deep support tissues ( SMAS) along with redraping of the skin to achieve long lasting results. This is followed by rejuvenating the skin with lasers and treating the facial muscles with Botox.
Facelift surgery is a technically demanding procedure that requires the highest level of surgical skill. It is imperative that the surgeon be highly skilled and experienced. It is also important to note that no single technique is appropriate or “best” for all patients and that facelift surgery should be individualized for each patient depending on their goals and facial characteristics.
The mini facelift is performed and reposition the deep support tissues ( SMAS) along with redraping of the skin to achieve long lasting results. The goal of the procedure is to lift the jowls upwards thereby restoring volume to the cheeks while improving the jaw line. You can generally also expect a modest improvement in the neck. If you want more significant improvements in the neck, a neck lift will have to be added to the procedure. This would be called a face and neck lift.
The goal of the facelift is to redrape the skin and SMAS. This might restore some volume in to the cheeks but more significant volumes will require the addition of a fat transfer or cosmetic fillers.
Volume is most often required in the temples, the under-eye area, the cheek mound, and the area in and around the lips.
Botox can be added to address the forehead lines, the angry lines between the brows, and the crows feet lines. Not only does the botox treatment improve the appearance of aging, but it will preserve the longevity of the results by not allowing the skin to shift as fast over time.
Skin care lasers including the Forever Young BBL, Micropeel, and Profractional Laser can help with improving the glow and radiance of the skin by reducing brown and age spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. They also help maintain your results by increasing and rejuvenating cellular DNA and collagen.
The answer will depend on exactly what procedures are added to the facelift procedure. Some general guidelines include:
- Minifacelift – 5-7 days
- Add facial fillers – no change
- Add botox – no change
- Add fat transfer – 2-3 weeks
- Add BBL – no change
- Add Forehead Lift – 2-3 weeks
- Add Neck Lift – 2-3 weeks
After the surgery, you will need to avoid active activities for 3-4 weeks. You may start earlier but with the understanding that activity has the potential to prolong swelling and bruising
Feeling normal can vary as it is subjective. Although most patients will not have a lot of pain, most patients will feel some soreness for about 2 weeks. Minor swelling may continue for about 2 to 3 months.
1 year. It will take about a full year and more for your scar to completely whiten, fade, and flatten. For this reason, scar revision procedures will not be performed for a full year. Because the nature and quality of your scars depends on many factors outside of the surgeon’s control, scar revision procedures will require a small surgical fee.
Patients have a choice between oral sedation or general anesthesia. The benefit of general anesthesia is obviously the ability to be put to sleep for the entire procedure; you wake up and the procedure is done. The downside of general anesthesia, however, is the additional costs and some people don’t like the thought of being put under.
Many patients will choose to have their procedure under oral sedation. These patients will have a oral cocktail of valium and pain medicine to start the procedure. Once the patient feels calm, the area that will be worked on will be injected with long-acting pain medications similar to going to the dentist. They choose this option because of some cost savings and the ability to avoid being put under. The recovery is easier and there is in general less swelling. The downside, obviously, is that you are awake for the procedure. Most patients find it very tolerable because of the calming effects of the valium
The risks of a facelift surgery are similar to the risks of any surgery. They will also depend on if you are having any additional procedures at the same time. The general risks include
- blood collections or hematomas
- delayed healing, and
- infections.
Complete symmetry cannot be expected. Some relapse particularly in the neck is common. Scar visibility depends on many factors outside our control and may occur.
Common complaints include:
- scar visibility
- mild relapse particularly in the neck
- suture infections
- numbness on the cheek in front of the ear
Mild relapse particularly in the neck is common. Swelling will artificially make the skin look tighter and fuller than it is. You will notice that immediately after the procedure, I would not have been able to pull the tissue any tighter without risking a pulled appearance or healing problems. What I have been known for over time has been the ability to create for you a natural result with minimal risk.
Suture infections are common. General infections are very uncommon. Suture infections are usually due to the deep strong absorbable sutures. These sutures are placed to give strength to the skin closure which will produce a better appearing scar. If these sutures do not absorb fast enough, the body will sometimes reject them and push them to the surface where they can get infected. The solution, however, is easy. These sutures are simply cut at the surface and cleansed with either peroxide or surgical soap.
Numbness in front of the ear is universal. All patients will have this experience. It will go away in about 3 to 6 months.
Roughly 60 to 70 percent of patients will have their facelift procedures in the office under local anesthesia and oral sedation. The most common reasons are cost and the avoidance of having general anesthesia.
About 60 percent of my patients have a mini facelift making it the most common procedure that I perform.
- Mini Facelift – 60%
- Face and Neck lift- 30%
- Quick Lift – 10%
Anything that decreases the break-down of collagen will help preserve the benefits of your facelift procedure. Anything the decreases the movement or stretch of the tissue will help preserve the collagen in your tissue. In addition, there are some techniques and options to adding or rejuvenating your existing collagen.
Botox – Botox stops the dynamic facial muscles from working. Treatment of the glabellar lines between the eyes ( that normally pull the brows down ) keeps the brows elevated for longer. Treatment of the crows feet lines ( that also normally pull the brows down ) keeps the brows elevated for longer but also prevent the movement of the thin skin around the eyelids and temple. Fat volume is better preserved in the temple while the eyelid skin does not stretch and break down as fast.
Facial Fillers like Juvederm or Voluma – Facial fillers will distend the facial skin so that there is less movement. Less movement will in turn slow the breakdown of the tissue collagen and therefore slow down facial aging
Facial Lasers and Skin Care – Facial lasers including the Forever Young BBL, Micro Laser Peel, and the Profractional not only treat the visible effects of aging including the brown spots, fine lines and wrinkles, but they all add and reorganize collagen. Adding collagen will slow down facial aging
Fat Transfer- Fat transfer can be thought of as a natural facial filler. One of the benefits that fat cells contain stem cells that continue to stimulate cell growth as well as stimulating the production of collagen
Sculptra- Sculptra is another facial filler. It is unique amongst the facial fillers in its ability to stimulate the production of your own collagen.
PRP- PRP stands for Plasma Rich Protein. It is a technique that includes taking and processing your own blood to extract growth factors and stem cells that are located in your platelets. After extracting the factors, they are re-injected either into skin and tissue to stimulate the growth of your own collagen.
Cosmetic Surgery of the Body
Brazilian Butt Lift
Leesburg - Northern Virginia - Loudoun
- Provides a more uplifted, rounder, and shapelier buttock
- Reduces fatty bulges from the waist, abdomen, and thighs
The Brazilian butt lift is one of the fastest growing surgical procedure in the world. It is a procedure that has become popular in both men and women. The procedure is performed to enhance the buttock by transferring fat from areas that you might not want it ( such as the abdomen, waist, and thighs ) to the buttock to give it a more uplifted, rounder, and shapelier appearance.
- Transfer fat from the abdomen, flanks, and/or thighs to the buttock
- General anesthesia is required
- Procedure will take about 3-4 hours
Patients should refer to our page on fat transfer to further understand the concept of fat transfer and volume enhancements.
Patients may opt for a brazilian butt lift to restore volume that is lost to age and weight changes or simply to enhance the appearance of the area.
Like most tissues in your body, fat volume is lost with age and weight changes. Loss of volume in any tissue can be visualized by imagining the visual result of deflating a balloon; the tissue will lose its turgor and appear to sag. Adding back volume will improve this appearance.
Fat is first obtained by a gentle liposuction. The fat can be taken from anywhere in the body but is most often obtained from the abdomen, waist, and/or thighs. The fat is gently processed to remove any impurities, brought up into cosmetic syringes, and injected into the labia majora. Patients with significant skin excesses may require the excision of skin. The potential need for any skin excision will be discussed with you during your consultation.
The procedure willy take about 3-4 hours and is typically performed under general anesthesia at the surgery center.
You are a candidate for a Brazilian butt lift surgery if you feel that these characteristics describe you.
- Buttocks appears deflated and flat
- Buttocks has minimal or moderate sagging
- You have sufficient fat to donate or transfer
The nonsurgical options to adding volume to any area include cosmetic fillers such as sculptra, juvederm, and voluma. These are manufactured injectable products that are extremely convenient but more temporary.
Sculptra is the most popular of these products for performing the brazilian butt lift procedure. Sculptra will last about 3 years.
Cosmetic fillers are an excellent alternative to a fat transfer for plumping up tissue. They are however, more temporary and more expensive depending on the required volume.
Dr. Chang will help you make with your surgical options during your consultation.
- Lift a sagging buttock
- Provide more roundness
- Provide more projection
Recovery from fat transfer surgery will depend partially depend on whether your procedure will require any skin excision. Patients who have only a fat transfer can expect:
- All patients will be required to wear a compressive garment for 4 weeks
- Pain is tolerable, but you might benefit from taking the prescribed narcotic pain medication for 3-5 days
- Final results should not be expected for at least 3-6 months
- Intercourse should be avoided for 4-6 weeks
- Sutures if any are removed in 10 to 14 days
- Strenuous exercise should also be avoided for 2 to 4 weeks to help in the recovery process.
- Most patients will take 3 to 7 days off of work
As with any surgery, there are associated risks. Loss of any or all of the transferred fat is possible and at your own risk. On average, patients will keep about 70-80% of any transferred fat. Only you can decide whether the procedure can achieve your goals and whether the recovery and risk profile are acceptable to you.
- Local bleeding or bruising for up 2 months
- Prolonged swelling greater than 2 months
- Seroma fluid collection
- Infection particularly from the absorbable sutures
- Loss of sensation although rare
- Widened or thickened scar
- Asymmetry (unevenness between two sides)
- Delayed wound healing with skin or tissue necrosis
- Extra skin at the ends of the incisions
- Under-correction
- Over-correction
Unsatisfactory results that may require additional procedures. Patients will generally be responsible for any associated facility fees.
The price of any procedure is reflected in the skill and quality of your surgeon. You are paying for the skill, quality, and technique that Dr. Chang provides for your procedure
When done well, fat tranfer surgery will significantly enhance your physical appearance, so it is important to concentrate on having a skilled surgeon with years of training, like Dr. Chang, rather than a low price. To help make surgery affordable, Aesthetica Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center will help you find low-interest financing.
- Labiaplasty
- Mons pubis lift
- Clitoraplasty
- Mommy makeover
Many women choose to have fat transfer surgery because loss of volume in many areas of the face and body. The procedure, however, is viewed as a cosmetic surgery by most health insurance companies; they will therefore not cover the procedure.
Many surgeon offices provide payment plans to help spread the cost of surgeries that aren’t covered by insurance.
Brazilian Butt Lift
Starts at $8000
- Price does not include facility fees
- Procedure will take about 1-2 hours
- Choice of local anesthesia plus oral sedation or general anesthesia
- Most patients will want 3-7 days off of work
- Multiple procedure when performed together are discounted
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Plastic Surgery Information and Education
Aesthetica Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center
Loudoun – Fairfax – Northern Virginia
Aesthetica Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Center
Face Surgery
Loudoun – Fairfax – Northern Virginia
Full Facelift
Traditional facelift surgery typically combines a face and neck lift. Other procedures including eyelid surgery or fat transfer are often added.
The mini facelift goes under many names including a lower facelift or an S-lift. The goals are to elevate the lower face, jaw line, and some neck.
Neck Lift
The neck lift surgery has the goal of elevated a sagging neck. Platysmaplasty is a procedure to tighten the separated neck muscles
Botox and Facial Fillers
Botox and facial fillers such as Juvederm or Voluma are the most common non-surgical procedures performed in the world
Eyelid Surgery
Eyelids age earlier than most of the face. Upper or Lower eyelid surgery has the goals of removing excess skin and fat bags to give you a more refreshed and youthful appearance
Ear Surgery
Ear reshaping surgery, or otoplasty, is is a common procedure that can reduce the size of protruding, or asymmetric ears. Torn earlobes are also common
Experts in Plastic Surgery
Popular Procedures
Our office offers a wide variety of surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures for the face, breast, body, and skin. We are pleased to meet the diverse needs of our Leesburg clients through high-quality cosmetic service. We also utilize Vectra 3D technology to show patients a preview of all the possibilities for customized treatment plans.
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Face Procedures in Northern Virginia
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Our office offers a wide variety of surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures for the face, breast, body, and skin. We are pleased to meet the diverse needs of our Leesburg clients through high-quality cosmetic service. We also utilize Vectra 3D technology to show patients a preview of all the possibilities for customized treatment plans.
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Transformations in Leesburg: Aesthetica’s Mini Facelift Success Stories
At Aesthetica, transformation isn’t just about outer appearances—it’s about rediscovering the best version of yourself. With our innovative mini facelift
Experts in Plastic Surgery
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Eyelid Surgery
Eyelids age earlier than most of the face. Upper or Lower eyelid surgery has the goals of removing excess skin and fat bags to give you a more refreshed and youthful appearance
Ear Surgery
Ear reshaping surgery, or otoplasty, is is a common procedure that can reduce the size of protruding, or asymmetric ears. Torn earlobes are also common
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Dr. Chang's World-Reknown Facelift Technique
Experts in Plastic Surgery
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Practice Overview
Cosmetic breast surgery includes breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction and breast reconstruction. Other common procedures include nipple and areola reduction.
Live Labiaplasty Surgery by Dr. Chang
Cosmetic breast surgery includes breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction and breast reconstruction. Other common procedures include nipple and areola reduction.
Liposuction Overview
Botox by Mel
Cosmetic breast surgery includes breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction and breast reconstruction. Other common procedures include nipple and areola reduction.
Botox vs Fillers
Cosmetic breast surgery includes breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction and breast reconstruction. Other common procedures include nipple and areola reduction.
Live Botox Injection by Dr. Chang
Cosmetic breast surgery includes breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction and breast reconstruction. Other common procedures include nipple and areola reduction.
Brazilian Butt Lift: How To Look Good In Your Daisy Dukes
The Down Low On Brazilian Butt Lifts
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Mini Facelift Live Surgery
Cosmetic breast surgery includes breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction and breast reconstruction. Other common procedures include nipple and areola reduction.
Brazilian Butt Lift
Starts at $8000
- Price does not include facility fees
- Procedure will take about 1-2 hours
- Choice of local anesthesia plus oral sedation or general anesthesia
- Most patients will want 3-7 days off of work
- Multiple procedure when performed together are discounted
Popular Additions
- Labiaplasty
- Mons Pubis Reduction
- Fat Transfer to the Face
- Mommy Makeover
- Breast Augmentation
Cosmetic Surgery For Moms
What are the treatment options for your Mommy Makeover
Breast – Abdomen – Vagina – Liposuction
Your cosmetic options for improving the appearance of the skin and body depends on factors that include the the amount of fat, the amount of skin laxity, the existence of lines, wrinkles and sun damage.
Coolsculpting Mini is the next evolution of the Coolsculpting Procedure that allows us to remove unwanted fat from the neck or other small areas.
The device was made specifically for the contours of the neck. Aesthetica is proud to have purchased the first device in Northern Virginia for your benefit.
Depending on the amount of fat, you may need either one or 2 treatments. There is minimal to no pain. And there is no recovery. Most patients will return to work immediately. Results can be seen after 6 to 8 weeks.
Along with the abdominoplasty procedure, breast augmentation is the most common Mommy Makeover procedure. As you know, pregnancy and breast feeding causes the breast to enlarge, stretch, and sag. These changes usually don’t bounce back.
Breast augmentation using saline or silicone breast implants or fat transfer are procedures that can restore the volume and shape of your breasts.
Some patients, who have significant amounts of sagging may require a breast lift.
SkinTyte is an advanced nonsurgical skin tightening device by Sciton. The device delivers broad band light which precisely heats and denatures skin collagen. The collagen remolds and tightens the skin in the healing process.
SkinTye is purchased as a package of 4 or 6 treatments one month apart. There is minimal pain. And there is no recovery. Most patients will return to work immediately. Results can be seen after 6 to 8 weeks.
Liposuction, along with breast augmentation and abdominoplasties are the most common procedures performed as a Mommy Makeover procedure. Where an abdominoplasty will address the lower abdominal fat and sagging, liposuction is a useful adjunctive procedure for the fat in the flanks, lower back, and thighs.
Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that directly sucks out and removes fat. Most areas of unwanted fat can be removed. The most common areas, however, include the neck, abdomen, flanks, arms, and thighs. Small areas such as in the neck or arms can often be treated with regional anesthesia in the office instead of general asleep anesthesia in the surgery center or hospital. The most significant limitation is in patients with either a lot of fat or if there exists a lot of extra skin. Surgical tightening is required in these situations.
A breast lift is a surgical procedure designed to lift sagging of the breast. The goals are to lift the breast, lift the nipple complex, tighten the skin envelope, and reshape the breast. The procedure might need to be combined with a breast augmentation if you require additional volume. Removing breast volume can be performed as a breast reduction.
Breast reduction can be performed to reduce the size of the breast. Your breast may have enlarged with pregnancy. In addition to reducing the size of the breast, the goals of a breast reduction are to elevate the breast, elevate the nipple complex, reduce the size of the areola, and to reshape the breasts. Breast reduction surgery has the highest patient satisfaction rate of any procedure in plastic surgery.
Your breast might change dramatically during and after pregnancy. The tissue might have been left sagging after being stretched in addition to losing breast volume. Breast augmentation using breast implants or fat transfer can often restore the volume to normal ( or more ), but in patients with significant sagging, they will need the addition of a surgical breast lift.
Breast augmentation can be performed using your own fat, killing two birds with one stone. That is, you can reduce unwanted fat by liposuction, only to transfer the fat to the breast where it is wanted. The advantage of this method is that is is more natural without using a artificial implant. The disadvantage is that the transferred fat is never guaranteed to survive the transfer. We can discuss the pros and cons during your consultation.
An abdominoplasty, also called a tummy tuck, is one of the most common plastic procedures in America. The goal is to remove extra loose sagging tissue of the lower abdomen. The stretch marks of the lower abdomen are removed in the process and the abdominal wall muscles are tightened from the top of the abdomen above to the pubic bone below.
The procedure does not address the flanks are lower back. Excess fat or sagging tissue in these areas may require liposuction for the fat or a lower body lift to lift the sagging tissue of the outer thighs and or buttock.
The mini-abdominoplasty procedure benefits only a small minority of women after pregnancy. The goal of the procedure is to reduce or remove stretched extra skin of the lower abdomen while tightening the abdominal wall of the lower abdomen. The belly button is not moved so the procedure is not appropriate for women who need larger amounts of tissue removal or tightening of the upper abdomen.
The vaginal canal will become more loose with age. Pregnancy and vaginal tears during delivery will often accelerate this process. The vaginal tissue will also thin out and vaginal lubrication begins to decrease. The consequences can include painful and less satisfying intercourse. The Sciton laser for vaginal rejuvenation is up to 80% effective in providing additional lubrication, thickening and tightening of the vaginal wall, while increasing sexual pleasure.
Many women are born with long or an asymmetric appearance of the labia minora. In many additional women, the labia tends to get longer with age and pregnancies. One of our specialties is the labiaplasty procedure which reduces the size and length of the labia.
Peeing when you jump or sneeze is common after vaginal deliveries. In fact, up to 70% of women are bothered by the development. Fortunately, the Sciton laser for stress urinary incontinence is effective in eliminating or dramatically reducing the problem in up to 80% of women.
Facial rejuvenation can obviously mean many things. But most people don’t realize that pregnancy will also change the appearance of your face. The weight changes stretch your collagen, resulting in the appearance of sagging tissue and wrinkles that will at a minimum benefit from botox and fillers.
Coolsculpting is the non-surgical alternative to liposuction. The goal of coolsculpting is to reduce the bulk of isolated fat pockets in areas that include the abdomen, flanks, upper back, arms, neck, and thighs. I’m sure we can find other areas to treat too. The biggest benefits include the fact that there is no surgery involved, there is no down-time, and there is negligible discomfort.
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More FAQs
Brazilian Butt Lift in Northern Virginia
Dr. Phillip Chang is a leading plastic surgeon in Loudoun County who specializes in surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures for the breast, body, face, and skin. He is board certified in plastic surgery by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is the founder of Aesthetica Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center in Leesburg, VA. Dr. Chang is dedicated to providing high-quality service that concentrates on the unique needs and concerns of his patients. He believes combining attentive care and minimally invasive techniques is the best avenue for achieving beautiful, natural-looking results. Dr. Chang is thrilled to be serving the greater northwest area of Washington, D.C. with top cosmetic care that is dependable and trustworthy.
Interested in learning more about Dr. Chang? Click here.
We are based in Leesburg, VA. Located as part of the Lansdowne medical complex, you have access to our 24-7 state-of-the-art facility as well as access to Lansdowne hospital. We are based directly across the road from INOVA hospital. There is ample parking, elevators to bring you to our third floor offices, and welcoming staff to sign you in.
We are proud of our surgeries and cosmetic procedures and love that our patients are happy too. They like to shout it out on Google, Yell, Facebook, and right here on our website. Check out our reviews here.
Yes we do!
All potential patients receive either a phone, virtual, or in-consultation for free.
During the consultation we will discuss your treatment wishes and expectations. This is the time to ask us lots of questions to really understand what is involved, what the costs will be, and what is expected of you. This is also a great time to get to know Dr. Chang.
Aesthetica has received numerous awards from the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce, New Beauty, Best of Loudoun, Posh 7 Top Picks, and Dr. Chang is internationally known for his lectures and advances in precise surgical technique as demonstrated through his unique mini-facelift procedure.
We have three execeptionally talents cosmetic nurses:
- Melanie Schwarz, RN, BSN
- Katy Down, RN, BSN
- Angela Westbrook, RN, BSN
Look a younger version of you
What to Expect from Your Mommy Makeover Consultation and Treatment
As reviewed in previous pages, your treatment options for your mommy makeover will depend largely on how your body has changed after having babies and what are your primary concerns.
The mommy makeover procedure is a cosmetic procedure tailored specifically to your needs and wishes determined at your consultation.
Most women will choose to have a breast augmentation with or without a breast lift, an abdominoplasty with or without liposuction, and and a vaginal rejuvenation procedure. Some patients will even have minor facial rejuvenation procedures such as botox and fillers.
The cost of your procedure will vary greatly depending on the procedure combination that you need. You will receive a price quote at the end of your consultation. Prices will include Dr. Chang’s surgical fee, surgery center fees, anesthesia fees, and material costs such as bras, compression garments, and breast implants.
We are very sensitive to pricing as we are the first to say that prices can add up. For this reason, discounts are given for multiple procedures performed on the same date.
Prior to your procedure, your pictures will be taken for documentation purposes. Face procedure are never published without your specific written consent. These images are used to follow your progress over the 3-12 month recovery period.
Most patients will meet with the Karen, the surgical coordinator, after your consultation. She is there to help you with all your administrative and procedural questions.
She will start by giving you a written quote for the procedures that you discussed with Dr. Chang during your consultation. These can always change, of course.
She is also responsible for scheduling your preoperative visit, surgery, and initial postoperative appointment. Feel free to call with any questions during this entire process.
The vast majority of surgeries are performed either INOVA Loudon Hospital or the Loudoun Ambulatory Surgery Center. Both facilities are accredited premier INOVA facilities with board certified Anesthesia.
Patients will be called by the surgical center prior to their procedures to give them more specific questions. In general, however, they will want you to be at the facility 1 hour prior to your procedure; and tell you not to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before.
Patients should also optimize their recovery by eating well and taking vitamins ( except for vitamin E and fish oils ) prior to their procedures.
Patients should also avoid aspirin and aspirin products including advil and motrin 10 days prior to surgery.
While some patients will see results after only a month, most patients will need about 2-3 months. We will set up a follow-up appointment for 12 weeks later. We will ALWAYS be happy to see or talk to you prior to our standard appointment schedule.
At your follow-up, we will take your after-photos and weigh you. These are taken to show you your amazing transformation. 80% of patients are so thrilled, they will go on to have a DIFFERENT area treated.
Surgery can be a scary thing for most patients. Fortunately, complications are rare and usually consist of small localized areas of delayed wound healing or infection that can easily be dealt with.
Patients are often more concerned about their cosmetic outcome. For most procedures, including breast, face, or body contouring procedures, it will take anywhere from 3 months to a year for the swelling to completely resolve and the tissue to reshape itself. Until that time, it will be difficult to completely understand the results.
For this reason, revisions are never performed before the 6 month mark with very few exceptions.
INOVA Loudoun Hospital and Loudoun Ambulatory Surgery Center are the two main centers that we use.
Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Phillip Chang and our entire team at Aesthetica Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center are honored to be serving the community of Lansdowne, VA. Every year we have visitors who travel from all across the county to receive care from Dr. Chang, and we consider it a privilege to transform the lives of so many men and women. We are located about 30 minutes from Washington D.C and 10 minutes from Dulles International Airport. A typical Uber ride from the airport is about 15 dollars. If you are traveling from out-of-town, please call our front desk for recommendations on where to shop, dine, and stay. For your convenience, we have listed some of our favorite spots below:
- Lansdowne Resort
- Lansdowne Town Center
- Belmont Chase Shopping Center
- Historic Downtown
- One Loudoun
- Numerous Wineries and Breweries
We've been featured in:
Dr. Chang has recently been featured in New Beauty magazine and is listed as one of the “Top Doctors” in Virginia by Health and Beauty magazine. According to Allergan, the company which provides BOTOX® Cosmetic and Natrelle breast implants, Dr. Chang’s office provides more BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments and facial fillers such as JUVÉDERM® than any other single practitioner in Virginia.
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Breast Augmentation, Mommy Makeover
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- Breast Reduction
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Lift
- Breast Augmentation with Lift
- Breast Augmentation with Fat
- Nipple Reduction
- Areola Reduction
- Male Breast Reduction
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Contact Us
- 19500 Sandridge Way
- 1-703-729-5553
- [email protected]
Experts in Plastic Surgery
Nipple Reduction
Our office offers a wide variety of surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures for the face, breast, body, and skin. We are pleased to meet the diverse needs of our Leesburg clients through high-quality cosmetic service. We also utilize Vectra 3D technology to show patients a preview of all the possibilities for customized treatment plans.
- Before and Afters
- FAQs
- Videos
Traditional facelift surgery typically combines a face and neck lift. Other procedures including eyelid surgery or fat transfer are often added.
Experts in Plastic Surgery
Other Popular Procedures
Breast Surgery
Cosmetic breast surgery includes breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction and breast reconstruction. Other common procedures include nipple and areola reduction.
Body Contouring
Body contouring procedures include abdominoplasty, lower body lift, circumferential body lift, as well as thigh and arm lifts. Some patients need it all especially after weight loss surgery.
Face Surgery
Face surgery includes facial rejuvenation procedures such as face, neck, and forehead lifts or simple nonsurgical procedures such as botox, cosmetic facial fillers, or laser skin treatments. Other procedures include nose jobs or ear reshaping.
Breast Surgery
Cosmetic breast surgery includes breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction and breast reconstruction. Other common procedures include nipple and areola reduction.
Vaginal Health
Vaginal health includes treatments for vaginal dryness, laxity, and even urinary incontinence. Common procedures include labiaplasty surgery, as well as Diva Laser Tightening.
Body Contouring
Body contouring procedures include abdominoplasty, lower body lift, circumferential body lift, as well as thigh and arm lifts. Some patients need it all especially after weight loss surgery.
More FAQs
Northern Virginia - Loudoun - Leesburg - NOVA
Dr. Phillip Chang is a leading plastic surgeon in Loudoun County who specializes in surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures for the breast, body, face, and skin. He is board certified in plastic surgery by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is the founder of Aesthetica Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center in Leesburg, VA. Dr. Chang is dedicated to providing high-quality service that concentrates on the unique needs and concerns of his patients. He believes combining attentive care and minimally invasive techniques is the best avenue for achieving beautiful, natural-looking results. Dr. Chang is thrilled to be serving the greater northwest area of Washington, D.C. with top cosmetic care that is dependable and trustworthy.
Interested in learning more about Dr. Chang? Click here.
We are based in Leesburg, VA. Located as part of the Lansdowne medical complex, you have access to our 24-7 state-of-the-art facility as well as access to Lansdowne hospital. We are based directly across the road from INOVA hospital. There is ample parking, elevators to bring you to our third floor offices, and welcoming staff to sign you in.
We are proud of our surgeries and cosmetic procedures and love that our patients are happy too. They like to shout it out on Google, Yell, Facebook, and right here on our website. Check out our reviews here.
Yes we do!
All potential patients receive either a phone, virtual, or in-consultation for free.
During the consultation we will discuss your treatment wishes and expectations. This is the time to ask us lots of questions to really understand what is involved, what the costs will be, and what is expected of you. This is also a great time to get to know Dr. Chang.
Aesthetica has received numerous awards from the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce, New Beauty, Best of Loudoun, Posh 7 Top Picks, and Dr. Chang is internationally known for his lectures and advances in precise surgical technique as demonstrated through his unique mini-facelift procedure.
We have three execeptionally talents cosmetic nurses:
- Melanie Schwarz, RN, BSN
- Katy Down, RN, BSN
- Angela Westbrook, RN, BSN
Cosmetic Breast Surgery
Meet Your Cosmetic Team at Aesthetica
Aesthetica Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center is an elite practice that offers plastic and reconstructive procedures for the face, breasts, body, and skin.
Aesthetica is led by founder and director Dr. Phillip Chang, who is an award-winning board-certified plastic surgeon in Loudoun County who has gained his reputation from emphasizing the importance of looking natural particularly when it comes to face or breast surgery and procedures
This emphasis can be seen in the skills and expertise the cosmetic nurse injectors at Aesthetica. Natural is better than plastic.
Your Advantages with Us
There are many reasons why Aesthetica is considered the “premier Plastic Surgery Center” in the Greater Washington D.C. area. Here are a few:
- Voted Top Doctor and Best Plastic Surgeon in Northern Virginia spanning several years.
- Dr. Chang lectures nationally on cosmetic surgery in the modern era and is known internationally through his YouTube channel with hundreds of thousands of views.
- Published and contributor to New Beauty Magazine.
- Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons.
- Over 15,000 treatments performed at Aesthetica.
Wow, are you beginning to feel as great as you're going to look?
Excisional Scar Revision
Surgically cutting out the bad scar and starting over may be the best option to improve the appearance of your scar particularly if the scar is very raised or wide.
Laser Scar Revision
The profractional laser is used to optimize new scars as well as to flatten raised scars. The laser creates micro-ablative columns of injury to the scar that flattens and blends the scar into the surrounding skin
Steroid Injection
Steroid injection is a quick an easy option to flatten raised scars and decrease inflammatory itching of itchy and red scars.
Why Should You Get Your Cosmetic Surgery At Aesthetica?
Your Professionals
Meet Your Treatment Team
Aesthetica is one of the premier centers for Laser and Cosmetic Surgery Procedures in Northern Virginia. Meet your Cosmetic Nurses Katy, Angie, Mel, as well as the rest of your Aesthetica Leesburg Treatment Team in Northern Virginia.
Tips To Make Your Treatments
Patients that prebook their next appointment decrease our administrative and marketing expenditures. Prebooking also ensures that your anti-aging efforts are optimized and decrease the time of your next visit. We want to pass these savings on to YOU! Pre-book to optimize your savings.
We are confident that you will happy with your treatment. Help us spread the word about your treatment by writing a review on Google to not only help other potential patients learn more about your satisfaction with the treatment, but to help them learn more about Dr. Chang and the team at Aesthetica as well. In return, receive a credit toward your next service. We would love to thank you for your loyalty!
Stay in touch for exciting announcements and surprise discounts! Friends and patients that are on our Aesthetica Facebook and Instagram pages will not only stay up to date on the newest and greatest advancements in cosmetic surgery, but will receive exclusive offers for many of our services.
Executive Membership provides regular discounts on products and treatments. When you register you will automatically receive that month’s discount offer. If you plan to have multiple or regular procedures, consider Executive Membership for significant long-term savings!
Referring a friend is the ultimate demonstration of your satisfaction and appreciation. We want to show our appreciation by giving you something more in return. For every friend who you refer and has a treatment done, each of you will receive $100. Read more about our referral program here.
Packages | Products | Services
Med-Health 360
Trusted Partners and Physicians
Loudoun | Northern Virginia | Leesburg
What is Estrogen?
Estrogen is the primary sex hormone for women. It is produced primarily in a woman’s ovaries and is responsible for puberty developments including breast, public hair and menstruation. It is the reason why women have a menstrual cycle, it helps control lactation for breastfeeding and is an important part of bone growth. Estrogen, along with other hormones, including testosterone, progesterone, cortisol, and thyroid hormone also help regulate glucose modulation, are instrumental in boosting energy and have a significant affect over emotions and moods. Serotonin and all those ‘feel good’ chemicals like endorphins are affected by estrogen.
Many teenage girls and menopausal women feel that estrogen is the enemy within, the dictatorial hormone they would like to expel but would ultimately miss for the good times they can provide. It is a hormone that has a huge influence on a woman’s body and mind.
Myofascial pain is often a chronic condition due to scarring and contraction of the muscle and surrounding fascial envelope. Think of it as a local or more generalized muscle spasm that can often be felt even in distant parts of the body. MedHealth 360 program for myofascial pain includes isolating the source of pain, stretching the contracted muscles, and breaking up the scar tissue. Our tools include physical stretching, massage, trigger point injections and dry needling, electrical stimulation therapy shock wave therapy, as well as a huge dose of yoga and circuit training.
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common and painful forms of isolated myofascial pain. The pain can often be debilitating. One of the hallmarks of the condition is the feeling of sharp excruciating pain with your first steps after getting out of bed. The condition is due to shortening and inflammation of the muscle and fascia along the soles of the feet and achilles tendon. The MedHealth 360 prescription for plantar fasciitis includes localized massage, orthotics, and shock wave therapy to break up muscle and fascial scars. Difficult cases might benefit from PRP injections.
Dry needling is a procedure in some ways similar to acupuncture, whereby a small needle is inserted directly into a myofascial trigger point. The needle causes the contracted muscle to relax as well as to bring in new blood and growth factors to the affected area. The MedHealth 360 plan believes that sustained benefit requires sustained emphasis on stretching the muscle, decreasing local inflammation, and promoting the health of surrounding tissue. Our tools include physical stretching, massage, trigger point injections and dry needling, electrical stimulation therapy shock wave therapy, as well as a huge dose of yoga and circuit training.
The benefits of massage shouldn’t require much introduction or explanation. It is no secret that the tension you feel in you muscles immediately improves after a great massage. Other benefits however, include improving peace of mind, increased muscular blood flow, and decreasing muscular inflammation. Massage, yoga, and fitness training are important ancillary programs at MedHealth 360.
A Trusted and Professional Health-Care Site
Med-Health 360
Medical site devoted to educating the public about how to improve their health and wellness through advice and the sourcing of safe and effective medical products
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Follow us on our other platform for more articles, plastic surgery images, and innovations on our social channels
Facts About Estrogen:
- It’s the main female hormone
- Estrogen receptors are found in every cell of a woman’s body
- Estrogen declines as early as 30 years of age and is critically low by the age of 50
- Low estrogen levels are responsible for: weight gain, cloudy thinking, low sex drive, low energy, and osteoporosis.
- High estrogen levels are responsible for: weight gain, irregular periods, possibly breast and ovarian cancer, thyroid diseases, bloating, headaches and fatigue
Follow us online
Tips To Make Your Treatments
Patients that prebook their next appointment decrease our administrative and marketing expenditures. Prebooking also ensures that your anti-aging efforts are optimized and decrease the time of your next visit. We want to pass these savings on to YOU! Pre-book to optimize your savings.
We are confident that you will happy with your treatment. Help us spread the word about your treatment by writing a review on Google to not only help other potential patients learn more about your satisfaction with the treatment, but to help them learn more about Dr. Chang and the team at Aesthetica as well. In return, receive a credit toward your next service. We would love to thank you for your loyalty!
Stay in touch for exciting announcements and surprise discounts! Friends and patients that are on our Aesthetica Facebook and Instagram pages will not only stay up to date on the newest and greatest advancements in cosmetic surgery, but will receive exclusive offers for many of our services.
Executive Membership provides regular discounts on products and treatments. When you register you will automatically receive that month’s discount offer. If you plan to have multiple or regular procedures, consider Executive Membership for significant long-term savings!
Referring a friend is the ultimate demonstration of your satisfaction and appreciation. We want to show our appreciation by giving you something more in return. For every friend who you refer and has a treatment done, each of you will receive $100. Read more about our referral program here.
Want to know more?
Schedule a call to discuss your dermatology needs today
Dr. Phillip Chang M.D
Dr. Phillip Chang is a leading plastic surgeon in Loudoun County who specializes in surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures for the breast, body, face, and skin.
Dr. Pranav Virmani M.D.
Dr. Pranav Virmani is a board certified Emergency Medicine physician who has been treating patients in Northern Virginia since 2002.
Dr. Jay Kugler D.O.
Dr. Jay Kugler board certified in both Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine. He has worked as an Emergency Physician in Northern Virginia since 2002.
Dr. Marwan Jaber M.D.
Dr. Marwan Jaber is a board certified Emergency Medicine physician who has been treating patients in Northern Virginia since 2007.
Laura Hurjui-Kenney, PA-C
Physician Assistant MedHealth 360
Laura graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Biology and then pursued Physician Assistant Studies at Jefferson College of Health Sciences in Roanoke VA. She has worked in Dermatology and in Family Practice.
Angela Westbrook, RN BSN
Melanie Schwarz, RN BSN
Katy Downs Griggs, RN BSN
Other MedHealth 360 Programs
Below are our programs often choose to have down for their health and wellness journey
Treatments We Offer
These services treat and often cure prevailing health challenges - try for yourself!
Solutions for Your Wellness
Lose weight | Increase Energy | Mental Acuity
- Nutritional and Metabolic Coaching
- Bio-identical Hormone Therapy
- Vitamin Infusion Therapies
- Cosmetic Anti-Aging Solutions
- Ketamine Infusion Therapies for Depression
- Fitness and Yoga training
Treatments We Offer
These services treat and often cure prevailing health challenges - try for yourself!
15% off for Today
Celebrate our Grand Opening with Code 'Health360' at Checkout
Join the healthy revolution today.
Begin your 360 degree wellness journey with a free consultation. Our wellness physicians and providers will work to keep you and your whole family healthy and strong each and every day.
Your Complimentary Consultation
Getting to know you
Getting to know you is important to us. Your experience will begin with your consultation. We want to hear about your previous health experiences, your diet, nutrition, and exercise history as well as your thoughts on living a healthier and longer. Getting to know you is the most helpful way to create a treatment plan for you.
Lab Work + Review of Results
Know the problem to identify the solution
Your body will often lose its ability to adequately control normal biologic levels of hormones and electrolytes as we age. Lab work is needed to check for these vital biological components to help us understand how you are aging. Labs can often be performed from or near your home.
Visit with your Med-Health Doctor
Med-Health 360 expertise
Dr. Chang or one of the Med-Health 360 practitioners will sit down and explain your results. We welcome your questions and input. Our patients who are fully engaged and understand the reasons behind their treatment program get the best results. We want to work WITH you to get those results!
Build Your Med-Health 360 Program Together
Nutritional Counseling | Individualized Fitness | Hormone Replacement
Integrative medicine involves coordinating health and nutrition, fitness, managing biological hormones and electrolytes and calming the soul. These are the elements that will be emphasized in the creation of your wellness prescription
Thyroid Support
Magnesium is involved in at least 600 enzymatic reactions in the body.Increases absorption of calcium, activates vitamin D, decreases bone breakdown, activates bone building and increases mineralization density.
DHEA is your body’s secondary stress hormone. It needs to stay in balance for proper energy. DHEA helps produce other hormones, including testosterone and estrogen as well so it is essential to the framework of your hormonal balance.
Studies suggest chromium helps maintain already normal glucose levels and insulin sensitivity and can assist in weight management.
It supports heart, brain, skin, respiration, and bone health. With so many important functions, it is important in intake enough of this as your body can not produce these kinds of fats on its own.
Blood Labs
Blood tests are an important diagnostic tool which doctors use to help determine how to help you stay in your best health. It allows you to see the way your body changes over time and empowers you to make informed decisions about your health.
Metabolic Testing
Metabolic tests measure the rate at which your body burns calories and uses oxygen during rest or during different activities. There are three tests that may be offered when doing metabolic testing. Depending on your initial consultation, we may test you for one or all.
Body Mass Testing
Renal Panel
Basic Plan
- Labs and Tests