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Arm Lift Surgery

Leesburg - Northern Virginia - Loudoun

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You might benefit from a thigh lift if you have excess and sagging skin located around your inner our outer thighs.

The skin of the inner thighs will occur with age and weight loss.  This is particularly true in patients who have lost a tremendous amount of weight.  

The cosmetic surgical options will depend on the amount of sagging skin relative to the amount of fat.  

For patients with excessive fat but not much extra skin.

Patients may only need liposuction.  That is, unless there is an inordinate amount of fat that would result in excess skin after the removal of the fat.

For patients with minimal to moderate extra skin:

Patients will benefit from a limited incision thigh lift which is also known as either a horizontal incision or crescent incision thigh lift.

For patients with significant extra skin and sagging:

Patients will need treatment with an extend thigh lift which is also called a vertical incision thigh lift.  This procedure uses a horizontal incision to lift the tissue but uses also a vertical incision on the inner aspect of the thigh extending down to the knees.

You might benefit from a medial thigh lift if you have sagging skin of the inner thighs.  The choice of procedure will depend on the amount of sagging.  
  • a limited skin excision ( crescent incision ) procedure for minimal sagging
  • an extended incision ( vertical incision ) procedure for significant sagging
  • Elevate the excess skin of the thigh
  • Hide the scars as best as possible in the groin crease.  This may not be possible for significant amounts of skin excess
  • Perform the surgery safely

A limited incision thigh lift is a technique designed for patients with minimal to moderate skin sag that is located along the inner thighs.

A limited incision thigh lift is performed using a hidden crescent shaped incision in the groin crease.  The appropriate amount of tissue excess is removed.  This is followed by elevating the remaining tissue to the groin crease.  Liposuction is added if necessary.

Most patients can return to work in 2 weeks

An extended or vertical thigh lift is a technique designed for patients with moderate to severe skin sag that usually extends from the groin toward the knees.

The extend thigh lift surgery uses a horizontal incision in the groin as well as a second vertical incision that extends from the groin to the knees along the inner thigh.  The horizontal incision is used to lift the thigh tissue upwards while the vertical incision is used to remove extra skin as well as to tighten the circumference of the thigh from side to side.  It is hidden along the inner thigh.  Liposuction is added if necessary.

Most patients can return to work in 10-14 days.  Final results, however, are not apparent for 6 to 12 months.  

Limited Incision Thigh Lift

  • Scar is located in the groin crease and difficult to see

Extended or Vertical Incision Arm Lift

  • The extend thigh lift surgery uses a horizontal incision in the groin as well as a second vertical incision that extends from the groin to the knees along the inner thigh.   It is hidden along the inner thigh

The thin skin of the inner thigh does not have a very good ability to contract or shrink.  For this reason, once the skin is stretched after gaining weight, the skin remains loose even after weight loss.  

For young patients that are beginning to gain weight in their thighs, a potential strategy that can prevent the need for a surgical lift in the future is to prevent the fat from accumulating in the first place with Coolsculpting nonsurgical fat removal or a very small office based liposuction procedure.  

  • Breast reduction and or breast lift
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Total body lift ( circumferential body lift )
  • Thigh lift
  • Arm lift
  • Face and/or neck lift


First of all, the name is terrible as a total body lift does not lift the entire body.  The Total body lift describes a circumferential tummy tuck and can be imagined as the circumferential extension of the abdominoplasty incision around the body to the back.  The front part of the incision is used to contour the abdomen.  The back part of the incision will not only remove excess skin and fat around the trunk and flanks, but will also elevate the buttock and lateral thighs.

  • Abdominal contouring
  • Remove excess fat of the flanks and lower back
  • Lift and contour the buttocks
  • Lift and contour the outer thighs
  • application of a protective surgical tape on your incision for the first 1-2 weeks after your procedure.  The surgical tape protects the incision from the outside environment while also maintaining a lubricating environment for your scar.

  • Apply a lubricating scar ointment ( we use biocorneum) for the next 1-3 months.  Ideally the ointment contains vitamin E, silicates, sunblock, and a gentle steroid.  Our preference is biocorneum because it contains all of these elements in an easy to use pump applicator.

  • Apply a silicone sheet for the 1-3 after surgery.  Many patients will just use the sheet at night and use the ointment during the day.

  • Steroid injection into the scar if it remains raised after 6 months

  • Profractional laser remodeling if it remains raised or conspicuous after 6 months.
  • All patients will wear a compression garment for about 4 weeks.  
  • Final results should not be expected for at least 6 months to a year.  Over that time, your tissue will change dramatically so you will have to be extremely patient; swelling will decrease dramatically
  • Scars will not be at their best appearance for over a year
  • Sutures if any are removed in 10 to 14 days
  • Strenuous exercise should also be avoided for 4 weeks to help in the recovery process.
  • Apply aquaphor ointment to exposed sutures and incisions should be applied twice a day until the sutures are removed
  • Most patients will take 10-14  days off of work
  • Pain can initially be moderate to severe

As with any surgery, there are associated risks. Only you can decide whether the procedure can achieve your goals and whether the recovery and risk profile are acceptable to you. 

The most common and significant problems associated with a thigh lifts are widening and visibility of the scars, delayed wound healing or tissue necrosis, and some recurrence.  This is because of the thin quality of the skin of the medial thigh as well as the constant pull of gravity on the scar.  

Other complications are rare but can include:

Local bleeding or bruising

  • Infection particularly from the absorbable sutures
  • Loss of sensation although rare
  • Widened or thickened scar
  • Asymmetry (unevenness between two sides)
  • Delayed wound healing with skin or tissue necrosis
  • Extra skin at the ends of the incisions
  • Under-correction
  • Over-correction

Unsatisfactory results that may require additional procedures. Patients will generally be responsible for any associated facility fees.

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Northern Virginia
Arm Lift

Dramatic weight loss, fluctuations in weight, and the effects of aging on the skin can cause fat deposits and loose skin to droop and hang under the arms. This “bat-wing” effect can be distressing and embarrassing, particularly when the loose hanging tissue flops or dangles when you wave or perform other ordinary actions. Patients often feel self-conscious about this appearance and may try to hide their arms by wearing long-sleeved shirts year-round or when exercising at the gym. The arm lift Washington DC patients are freeing themselves of their “bat-wing”.

Arm lift surgery is designed to correct this problem in the upper arms. In an arm lift, or brachioplasty, fat is removed and loose skin is tightened to reshape the contours of the upper arm. The result is a fitter, more toned and proportionate appearance that can boost your self-confidence and expand your fashion choices.

Dramatic weight loss, fluctuations in weight, and the effects of aging on the skin can cause fat deposits and loose skin to droop and hang under the arms. This “bat-wing” effect can be distressing and embarrassing, particularly when the loose hanging tissue flops or dangles when you wave or perform other ordinary actions. Patients often feel self-conscious about this appearance and may try to hide their arms by wearing long-sleeved shirts year-round or when exercising at the gym. The arm lift Washington DC patients are freeing themselves of their “bat-wing”.

The recovery time from these two procedures is typically a total of about six weeks, although most women start to feel close to normal much sooner. They say it was well worth the wait!

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